The WB6CIF guarantee confidentiality of the information about individual responses of the economic entities. This Survey is part of the research "Mapping the existing and prospective supply chain participants in WB6 countries" as a part of the EU funded project “EU support to the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum”, reff. # CN 2019/408-715 for purpose to create inputs for the module “supply chains” within the on-line professional platform in preparation “Investing in the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe”.
Confidentiality (Privacy)
The Parties undertake to comply with all the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and subsequent amendments and additions, as well as the provisions issued on privacy by the competent Authorities. The information/data that you provide by responding will be hosted in Trieste, Italy where organization is located.
By completing this questionnaire, you agree to have a profile opened on your behalf on the WB6 CIF Market access and Market intelligence database. We will open the profile automatically by uploading the information provided in this questionnaire. You will receive a confirmation link with a randomly generated password for access to your profile that will be sent to the contact e-mail you provide in the questionnaire. You reserve the right to change and update information on your profile. Access to the WB6 CIF Market access and Market intelligence database is and will remain free of charge.
After having read the objectives of the survey and the processing of your personal data, do you agree to answer the questionnaire?